How can I fix the error: [Anti-virus Signature - freshclam] service could not be started?

On Centos/AlmaLinux/RHEL 8 the Anti-virus signature service (freshclam) fails to start after rebooting the server. This is caused by an incorrect PID location in the freshclam config file.

To fix the problem from within the Warden extension interface:

Go to Warden -> Settings -> Signature Updates and change the PID file option from /run/clamav-freshclam/ to /run/ . Then restart the Anti-virus Signature Service on the Dashboard. This will fix the issue.

To fix the problem from the command line:

Edit the file /etc/freshclam.conf and change the PidFile option


PidFile /run/clamav-freshclam/


PidFile /run/

Enable Freshclam:

systemctl enable clamav-freshclam

Restart Freshclam:

systemctl restart clamav-freshclam
  • signatures, freshclam
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