We are pleased to announce the release of Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection 2.02 under General Availability. All users are encouraged to upgrade. This release has passed Plesk certification and is now available in the Plesk extension directory.

[+] Added a MYNETS policy bank to the Warden Amavis config file as it is not set by default on Debian/Ubuntu.
[+] Added a view all button to the quarantine grids so you can easily view all quarantined items for the server or for a domain.
[+] Added the option to disable the real-time spam learning under Settings -> Learning Settings -> Sieve learning. When the IMAP sieve learning is disabled it will use the default Plesk nightly training task.
[=] Updated the content filter `max_servers` option default value to 3.
[=] Updated the real-time learning scripts to always return a zero exit code to prevent looping when sa-learn has problems.
[=] Updated the installer to patch Amavis on Ubuntu 18 to fix a bug where it would report outgoing mail as open relay instead of outgoing.
[=] Updated the installer to set the option `receive_override_options = no_address_mappings` in postfix to make sure that addresses only get rewritten once.
[=] Updated the installer to whitelist the amavis system user from Plesk outgoing mail limits.
[=] Updated the installer to use the new amavis package name on Centos/RHEL as it has been renamed in the EPEL repo.
[=] Updated the queue lookup tool to highlight successfully sent email.
[=] Updated the htmlpurifier library to the latest version.
[=] Updated the HTTPS lookup tool to handle lookup errors better.
[-] Fixed compatibility issues with Plesk Obsidian
[-] Fixed a bug where the columns on the statistics mailbox grid were not sortable.
[-] Fixed a bug where the watchdog service entries were not being set properly on Debian/Ubuntu.
[-] Fixed a bug in the `$sql_select_policy` setting used by Amavis where domain aliases in Plesk were not being detected as being local.
[-] Fixed a bug in the quarantine area where clicking on a domain name would not filter the results for that domain.
[-] Dutch translation fixes. Thanks Jurgen!
[-] Japanese translation fixes. Thanks Kenichi!
[-] Italian translation fixes. Thanks Fabio!

To Upgrade
The upgrade is available to all active license holders.

1. Login to your Plesk panel and click on Extensions -> Updates -> Select the Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection extension then press the update button. You can view the upgrade process using the command: tail -f /var/log/plesk/panel.log

Full changelog

Product Information

Sexta, Setembro 18, 2020

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